Web Site Special for ISCA Members Only
International Society of Caricature Artists
I have decided to try to make custom web sites affordable for my fellow ISCA members who have
better things to do than learn HTML, Search Engine Optimization, FLASH, and all of the nuances of designing a
good web site!
Here is the special I am offering:
Front page (Introduction and about you)
Gallery Page (we'll set up the images in a slide
show so you can make changes yourself)
Contact Page with price list
Links Page: blog etc.
Custom Navigation Bar
You pay for the domain name registration, I recommend GoDaddy.com.
I will include the hosting for the first year, after that, the hosting will be $80.00 USD a year.
I will use whatever artwork you want and create any we need like the header and background image. I prefer to use
your artwork whereever possible so the site is a stronger reflection of you and your styles.
$350.00 w/PayPal. I will do a nice professional site that you can be proud of and make minor changes for free for the first
This is an affordable site that won't look like a budget site or a bland template. It will be fairly static
other than changing the artwork on your slide show for the gallery pictures, but it will be a very professional
representation of you and your artwork that you can be proud of! Essentially an on-line business card that you can
point all of your potential customers and fans towards!
Five thousand full color, UV coated, double sided cards, shipped CONUS,
for one hundred dollars.
Twenty five color T-shirts with one color print on one side only two hundred dollars!